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Release Notes 1.23: Add custom emails & discover influencers' posting schedules
Release Notes 1.23: Add custom emails & discover influencers' posting schedules

Keep accurate & updated emails addresses in Modash and get the posting schedule of influencers to make more well-informed decisions.

Steven avatar
Written by Steven
Updated over a week ago

A new day, a new dawn, a new Modash release. In this one, we've got an update in each of our tools.

Click on the tool you’re interested in or keep reading to get the full breakdown.


Discover when & how often influencers post per day/week

The fewer surprises in your partnerships, the better. That’s why we keep adding insights to Advanced Data so you’re as confident as you can be about any one influencer’s performance.

On that note, Modashers meet another two data points about posting schedules. These are available for Instagram, TikTok & YouTube.

Posts per day

Shows how often a creator usually posts per day by the content type of the platform. This number is based on the last 30 posts.

  • Instagram: Posts vs Reels per day

  • YouTube: Videos vs Shorts per day

  • TikTok: Posts per day

Posting statistics

Shows how many times & the hours a creator posts on any given day of the week. This is based on the last 30 posts and combines content types.

  • Instagram: Posts + Reels

  • YouTube: Videos + Shorts

  • TikTok: Posts

How are these data points helpful?

When you know how often an influencer posts, you can make some educated assumptions. For example, lower scores might mean they’re not very active. Less active influencers may not have the reach or engagement you need or that they’re charging for.

By looking at the days of the week they’re most active & the frequency per content type, you can make more informed decisions around deliverables.

Note: Advanced Data is always free, you only need to unlock it to prompt Modash to collect the specific data.


Custom emails for better organization

Modash already surfaces any publicly available email addresses for you. But there are instances where you want to add your addresses you’ve sourced yourself.

Who are we to stop you?

You can now add custom emails to your lists.

  1. Go to Relationship Management > Choose a list > Find the influencer you want to add a custom email.

  2. Click anywhere in the email box & select Add a custom email.

  3. Enter the email and Save or Add more to add as many custom emails as you need. (There are no limits to the number of emails you can add).

Note: Custom emails are private to your account. They are not available as part of Modash data. Only you (or your team) can access them.

Campaigns (Monitoring)

Better user experience for creating campaigns

You’ll notice some UX (user experience) & UI (user interface) changes when you create a new campaign.

  1. We moved naming your campaign to the start of the flow. The will help you keep your campaigns better organized. (& makes more intuitive sense, right?)

  2. Setting up a campaign now only takes 2 steps (from 3).

    1. Set tracking

    2. Choose influencers

  3. Worry less about less about hashtags, mentions or keywords. Now, you type them all into one field. Don’t forget to add the hashtag symbol or the @ symbol. But if you forget, we’ll collect anything we find that is similar.

Bug fixes (Aka The Crime Report)

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the bugs of our lives.

  • Improved. When exporting a campaign, there were discrepancies between the platform & the CSV file for total engagement. Now, total engagement is the same everywhere.

  • Fixed. YouTube campaigns were affected by a bug that lodged itself in total engagements. The bug was removed using a method I call “scream & flap my arms’”. All to say, everything works as expected now.

  • Fixed. When selecting multiple options in a few of our drop-downs, a bug caused some chaos. All has been resolved now. (The bug insists it was all a misunderstanding.)

  • Improved. No bugs were involved in this, only human error. Some users where unable to upgrade to a new plan in the middle of a billing cycle. You are now able to upgrade at any stage of your billing cycle & start a new billing cycle on the same day.

  • Fixed. Bonnie (from the infamous bug-duo Bonnie & Clyde) weaseled her way into our billing page. For a split second, users were shown they were on a trial as the page loaded. Ha - bleeping - ha, Bonnie. You mess with our customers, we mess with you.

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