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Modash API: August 2023

Here are the latest updates & improvements to the Modash API. Bonus: how to use Advanced Data to build better reports for your customers.

Mariann Jüriorg avatar
Written by Mariann Jüriorg
Updated over a week ago

Instagram Report


Previously, you could only get a maximum of 5 cities in the Instagram Report. Now, there’s no limit to this. For every creator, you'll see all the cities represented by their audience (that are publicly disclosed, of course.)


As Instagram makes changes to its platform, we follow suit. Views have been retired and replaced by Plays to Instagram Report data.

Tiny, but mighty improvements

  • We improved an error state if data is not available.

  • Some minor improvements were made to the RAW API products

  • Channel-Info-Endpoint can now be used with the “channel_id”

  • Fixed handling of YouTube videos in “premiere” that affected multiple endpoints (uploaded videos and performance data)

Modash Inspo

In our latest Modash release, we implemented a new feature for YouTube Discovery. We’re calling it Advanced Influencer Performance Data.

The API has this advanced performance data for Instagram & TikTok, too.

As you can see, we used this data to provide a breakdown of Shorts & Videos to help our customers make better decisions.

Now they get:

  • An understanding of which type is driving views & engagement.

  • A clearer picture of potential views & engagement for your sponsored posts.

  • A minimum, maximum & average number of views, likes & comments per content type.

This is just one way to use the API to create better reports for your platform.

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