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Release Notes 1.19
Release Notes 1.19

Estimated Reach & Impressions are now calculated in Campaigns. Plus, 2 new ways to find influencers based on another influencer’s network.

Paula Britta Palm avatar
Written by Paula Britta Palm
Updated over a week ago

Lots to make your workflow better in this release. The highlight’s got to be the addition of Estimated Reach & Impressions to Campaign Monitoring for Instagram – a much-requested feature.

Jump to the section that interests you most, or start scrolling to learn everything new!

Discovery/Relationship Management

Recommendation & Network

Found an influencer who meets all your criteria? The new Recommendation & Network section in Influencer profiles will help you find more like them.

You’ll love this feature because tapping into a creator's network increases your chances of finding creators who’ll work & perform well with your brand.

  • Influencer Lookalikes: Here you’ll find influencers who are similar to the influencer whose profile you’re looking at.

  • Influential Likers: This taps into a creator's network & shows who follows & engages with their posts.

Sponsored Posts vs Popular Posts

Reviewing influencers’ content is a huge part of your decision-making process. Allow us to introduce you to new functionality in the Content Overview section of an Influencer’s Profile.

This section is now organized into two tabs: Popular & Sponsored Posts.

Click the Sponsored Post tab & you’ll easily see:

  • Which brand sponsored the post

  • How the ad was disclosed (Through Instagram’s Paid Partnerships or a hashtag)

  • Plus the basic info of each post like the date posted, the number of likes & comments.

Campaigns (aka Monitoring)

Estimated reach & impressions are in the house

Campaign monitoring just got beta’d. Lots of marketers rely on Estimated Reach & Impressions for reporting. Now, all freshly launched Instagram campaigns will also include an Estimated Reach & Impressions for Posts & Stories.

You’ll see a total for the entire campaign.

And broken down by influencers, too.

P.S. This feature is still in Beta while we refine the algorithm. The Modash estimates will not look exactly the same as Instagram estimates.

Revenue Data

In addition to Influencer cost, now you have a way to track all types of Revenue Data, including:

  • Discount Codes

  • Discount Code Usage

  • Revenue

This will help you see at a glance which influencers performed the best in any given campaign based on revenue.

P.S. You didn’t hear it from me, but soon-ish you’ll be able to connect to Shopify to sync this data automatically.


That’s because we’ve added Status, Notes & Documents from Relationships into Campaigns. Now when an influencer is part of an active campaign, you still have access to everything you need wherever you are in Modash.

Tiny but mighty improvements

We made some behind-the-scenes improvements to Campaigns. The results?

  • Dramatically improved scalability. Modash can now handle tens of thousands of individual pieces of content.

  • The reliability of content collection is now better than ever.

Bug fixes (Aka The Crime Report)

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the bugs of our lives.

No major crimes were reported this month in Modash. But we did see a rise in misdemeanors by some smaller bugs.

As the schools are out for the summer here in the North it seems these bugs have too much time on their legs.

We corralled the biggest group who were wandering the Modash streets and moved them into a beautiful skatepark. They’re feeding the geese as we speak.

TL;DR – Fixed a series of small bugs that were causing minor issues.

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