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Release Notes 1.17
Release Notes 1.17

Collect YouTube content (Videos & Shorts) with the launch of YouTube monitoring.

Paula Britta Palm avatar
Written by Paula Britta Palm
Updated over a week ago

Welcome to When it shines, it dazzles Modash Update. In this release, we’ve added new features & made improvements to nearly every part of Modash.

Jump to the section that interests you most, or just follow along.


Sorting by Audience Location

When you’ve filtered by Audience Location, your Search Results show creators in that Location. Now, Sorting by Audience shows the percentage of the audience matching the Audience Location filter.


  • In Lists, you can organize Creators with a new email filter: Is Available (1). This email helps you narrow down a large list of creators to only ones whose emails have been unlocked & available.

  • You can now also search for creators in your lists by their email addresses (2). A much quicker way to find specific creators.

  • When you’re exporting CSV files, you can now choose to only export the profiles you haven’t exported yet (3).

  • Additionally when you’re exporting, you now also get a preview of the columns your file will include (4).

  • When you filter by Status in Lists, you can now see the number of creators in each Status. Great for an at-a-glance review of your relationships.


YouTube Monitoring is live

YouTube Monitoring is now live! Modash will automatically collect all YouTube content for you, including Shorts!

All you need to start a monitoring campaign is to enter the words that you ask your creators to insert in a video:

  • Title

  • Description

  • Keywords (Keywords are YouTube’s hashtags, fyi)

Campaign Preview

Now, when you land on the Monitoring page, you’ll see a preview of all your campaigns. Previews include:

  • Number of influencers in the campaign

  • Number of media posted

  • Content posted today

  • Total number of engagements

  • Average engagement rate

Bug fixes

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the bugs of our lives.

  • Fixed. We suspected a bug of adding an extra @ sign to creator names, making it hard for some of our users to add those creators to monitoring campaigns. As this is against Modash Law, the bug was tried, found guilty & sent to bug prison.

  • Fixed. A few tiny bugs formed a gang & were causing chaos to Videos & Shorts endpoints in the YouTube Raw API. Happy to report they’ve been disbanded.

  • Fixed. You weren’t able to hide creators that were imported via CSV, but now you can!

  • Fixed. Okay, this bug was messing up the influencer count in Lists. The bug was removed from the property and sent back to the first grade to learn how to count. Good luck, bug!

  • Fixed. A bug was causing an issue with Bulk Save. This has been fixed & works as expected.

  • Improved. TikTok monitoring was not working according to the responsibilities outlined in its job description. After a performance review with their manager, we’re happy to announce that the stability of content collection has already improved.

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