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Release Notes 1.8

Say hello to filtering functionality in Lists & check out new performance insights that’ll help you make better decisions.

Paula Britta Palm avatar
Written by Paula Britta Palm
Updated over a week ago

New Additions

Filters in Lists

You’re now able to work better, faster, and with more focus using Lists. With the addition of filters, you can organize Lists in a way that makes sense to you for any specific task.

You can filter by:

  • Emails - to see creators with locked or unlocked emails only.

  • Channels - only available in the All Creator list

  • Followers/Engagement/Engagement Rate - great for comparing creators across these metrics

  • Status - get a list of creators who are in a particular stage of your process

  • Labels - get a list of creators based on your labels

  • Notes - to see where your team left a vital message

New data

We’ve added new performance insights in Profile Summaries to help you make better decisions about which creators to approach.

  • Engagement Rate Distribution (Available for Instagram, YouTube & TikTok)

    This shows the distribution of accounts by engagement rate for creators within a similar follower range. Helps you understand how a creator’s engagement rate compares to other creators of a similar size.

  • Fake Follower Distribution (Available for Instagram)

    This shows the distribution of fake followers in a similar follower range. Since everyone has fake followers, this graph shows you what “normal” looks like and how the creator compares.

  • Audience Reachability (Available for Instagram & TikTok)

    This graph answers the question: How many accounts do the followers of this creator follow? The thinking goes that the fewer accounts they follow, the easier it’ll be to reach this audience.

New data for API

Our /reports endpoint now returns more data, including:

  • Verified status

  • Bio/Description

  • Average reel plays

New Filters in Discovery

To help you narrow down search results and find the perfect creators for your brand, you’ll now find:

  • Influencer Age Filter in Instagram Discovery. Other channels will follow.

  • 150K follower range option.

Bug fixes

Fixed. Fixed a bug that was causing lists to stop loading after a certain point. It’s been neutralized.

Fixed. Fixed a bug that was saving Hidden Profiles to Lists when you would Bulk Save. This is now working as intended.

Fixed. Unlocked emails were disappearing when you would change a creator’s status. The bug has been found and dealt with.

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