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Release Notes 1.6

In this release, we added some highly-requested functionality & improved UI for a better experience with Modash.

Paula Britta Palm avatar
Written by Paula Britta Palm
Updated over a week ago

Sort Lists

You can now sort Lists (in ascending or descending order) by:

  • Influencers (Grouped alphabetically)

  • Audience

  • Engagements

  • Engagement rate

  • Status (Grouped by stage)

Sorting functionality helps you make quick comparisons among influencers and arrange longer lists in an order that makes the most sense.

New Search Result View

Recently, we added Hide profiles to Search Results. Hide Results is useful when you’ve already seen and dismissed a profile as a poor match. They no longer appear in your Search Results.

Today, we’ve added another way to view your Search Results. From the dropdown, you can choose to show profiles that are saved to any of your lists, or not.

This new addition allows you to hide all influencers you have in other lists, keeping your Search Results filled with fresh faces you haven’t discovered yet.


Added “Brighton, United Kingdom” to Instagram Locations

UI & UX improvements

  • We improved the stability of Profile Summaries.

  • In addition to the Date, you’ll now also see the Time your limits were reset on the Billing Page, giving you the exact moment you got fresh limits.

  • We added a loading state to Lists so you're confident that Modash is working.

  • Fixed an issue with navigation. You can now go back from Starting a Campaign via Lists.

Bug fixes

Fixed. A bug showed Search Results were “Hidden” when customers ran out of limits. The bug is gone and all is working as it should.

Fixed. Now, you can see Views & Plays counts for specific Reels. A bug was preventing that!

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