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Release Notes 1.3
Paula Britta Palm avatar
Written by Paula Britta Palm
Updated over a week ago

New Additions

Introductory videos

You’ll notice a video panel in Discovery that helps new users of Modash get started. Once seen, you can easily remove the videos by clicking Don’t show this again. Users on a free trial cannot close the panel.

All videos feature our delightful colleagues in Sales, Success, and Support. (Unfortunately, no guest star appearances by Panda the Jack Russel or cats Archie & Harry)

You can find all introductory videos in our Help Center, too.


Campaign monitoring & lists get a power-up.

You should notice that loading times for campaigns with a large number of influencers are much faster!

After receiving feedback from our customers that the tool wasn’t working when it had to load campaigns with thousands of pieces of content, we got to work. It’s now better and smoother when handling big amounts of data.

Similar to campaign monitoring, Lists with 100s or even 1000s of saved profiles now open faster.

UX improvements

We’ve updated some copy and visuals when your search criteria were too specific right out of the gate.

Bug Fixes

Fixed. Notes were disappearing while you were typing, specifically in massive lists. Not anymore.

Fixed. Squashed a bug causing some actions (e.g., saving a profile to multiple lists) not to work.

Fixed. While switching back and forth between tabs in YouTube Discovery, a bug wasn’t allowing us to display applied username tags. We had words with him, and it will not happen again.

Fixed. When removing influencers from Instagram monitoring campaigns, the change wasn’t reflected in the UI until you refreshed the page.

Fixed. We fixed a bug that showed an error in YouTube Discovery when some creators didn’t have a “full name” field.

Fixed. Requests made to Modash’s Youtube Report API by user id were super slow because some reports are queried by user id instead of the channel name. By adding cached data to our process, this has now been solved.

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