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Release Notes 1.2

We’ve got a smaller release this week focused on improving clarity.

Paula Britta Palm avatar
Written by Paula Britta Palm
Updated over a week ago


API Documentation

We updated our API documentation as some info was outdated.

Find our most current documentation here.

UX Improvements

  • New error message in Profile Summary

In cases where Modash doesn’t have enough audience data to show for a requested profile, you’ll now see a new error message in the Profile Summary. The message explains the possible reasons: high fake follower count, no posts, and a low engagement rate.

  • Change in Published content in Monitoring

You may notice that we removed the Download Content button for Reels, Stories & Videos as we do not have the functionality yet. Currently, you can only download static Instagram images from Monitoring.

  • Find help when you need it

You’ll notice updated page subtitles across Discovery, Lists, and Monitoring with links to relevant Help Center articles.

Bug Fixes

Fixed. API customers were not allowed to make more than 2 requests per second to the API. You can now make 10 requests per second again.

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