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Find some additional resources to learn more about Modash or up your game in influencer marketing!

Martynas Kazlauskis avatar
Written by Martynas Kazlauskis
Updated over 12 months ago

We want you to become the best influencer marketer in the 🌎

From finding the perfect partners to reaching out & negotiating deals to managing relationships at scale (without hiring a huge team), and more we are here to help!

Below, we've added a list of excellent resources to help your on your Influencer Marketing journey.

Modash Blog

Take a look at our blog where we cover all different topics related to Modash and/or influencer marketing. We compare different tools, we teach you how to start your own campaign and how to find the right influencers for your brand. We update our blog on a weekly basis to bring you the freshest content!

Creator Partnerships Podcast

Modash CEO Avery Schrader talks to influencer marketing pros to learn what's working right now in creator partnerships: from outreach, to live shopping, to briefing, creator selection criteria & everything in between.

Modash Academy

Want to become a pro in Influencer Discovery? Or a superhero in Influencer Marketing? Our Academy is made for you. There you'll find three different series that will help you make the most out of Modash and become your company’s leading influencer marketing expert just a matter of minutes.

Return On Influence Newsletter

Every month, we run surveys & interview pro marketers to learn exactly how they work with influencers. You get expert-backed tips directly in your inbox!

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